Review: Coherent - Livia Jamerlan

Coherent (Consensual, #2)

Review: Coherent - Book #2 Consensual - Livia Jamerlan - October 2014

Book #2 starts where Book #1 left off and Lynn has been found on the steps of Peyton's apartment and been rushed to the hospital , she has no idea where she has been or what has happened to her . It's like a whole week has been erased from her memory , turns out she believes she was kidnapped and drugged/raped but what will happen when the evidence of her story is against her and the ones she loves dearly start to disbelieve her ? Who can Lynn turn to , if no one believes or trusts her. Needing to escape and something for her pain to numb it, Lynn disappears and starts a new life where no-one knows her and a life she can't believe she is living - a life of drugs, sex and alcohol - anything to numb the pain she is feeling. With her friends still there for her, they decide on the night of Kennedy and Caleb's engagement to do an intervention and thus sets Lynn on the steps to recovery and while at rehab, Lynn undergoes hypnotherapy and starts to recall the events of what happened during the week she vanished. Was someone trying to silence her for exposing Devon's past crimes ? Can she finally get justice and overcome what she has experienced for herself and those other girls affected by what she went through ?  Unlike Consensual , Coherent was quite a raw and dark read as the book is told from Lynn's POV and expresses her emotions - both anger and heartbreak for what she has been through.  Can Peyton and Lynn ever make up after the ordeal or is Lynn too broken inside to let Peyton love her ?
Another awesome book by Livia Jamerlan , which readers if you love the world of BDSM and Erotica Fiction and wanting something powerful to compliment it - then Coherent is the book for you.



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