Review: Cards of Love : Page of Swords - Ainsley Booth and Sadie Haller

Page of Swords (Frisky Beavers, #4.5)

Review: Page of Swords - Cards of Love , Book #4.5 Frisky Beavers Series - Ainsley Booth and Sadie Haller - October 2018
Meadow has had a dry spell when it comes to guys, and so when a friend of hers at the hospital mentions that a friend of his needs a date and he told him all about her and he sounded interested, she decides on a whim to travel down to his bar and do some recon. When she arrives, she meets Bas, and he is hot stuff, but just as she is about to get up the guts, another female and stunning at that comes into the bar and fawns all over Bas. She takes a step back, and one thing leads to another, and she ends up his new tenant. Caught up in her fantasy and it would look weird if she backed out now, she starts to rent his apartment even though she, of course, owns a condo close to the hospital. As the book goes along, we can see the chemistry between Bas and Meadow start to flare, but of course, Bas is trying not to fall into the dating his tenant as he enjoys Meadow's company and doesn't want to scare her off. What happens though when Halloween rocks around and Meadow discovers that Bas's world contains the art of BDSM and this gets her turned on. The pair have a moment or two but then just as things are going so well - Meadow's two lives will clash, and Bas will feel betrayed as if there's one thing he hates the most it's liars. Can Meadow make it up to Bas and prove she loves him or will this have been just a fling? Find out in Page of Swords, by Ainsley Booth and Sadie Haller.


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