VBT# Guest Post with Sindee Lynn

Today readers , you have read the 2 Book Reviews of Sindee Lynn's Books - Both 4 Stars :) Changing the Rules and Prince's Donor. Now from the Writing Desk of Sindee Lynn , Be prepared to be wowed.

Author Bio

Growing up my love of reading was nourished by my aunt who used to bring me bags of Harlequin Romance novels. Those books are still at my childhood home. Today I am the single parent of an active teenager which means I don’t have much free time but the time I can squeeze for myself I spend on my writing.

Website: http://www.wix.com/sindeelynn/sindeelynn

As a newly published author I have had tons of questions and Rebecca, my Editor over at Passionate Writer Publishing (www.passionatewriterpublishing.com), answers each and every one of them patiently. They have been great. In fact the experience couldn’t have been better from the beginning. So as I signed my contracts and sent them back I wondered why I wasn’t happier. And that’s what I would like to talk about … Writer’s Postpartum Depression.

You know it’s funny how it’s been a dream of mine to be a writer since I was 13 yrs old. So to finally have someone who wants to put my work out there I thought I would be more excited. Now don’t get me wrong I did my fair share of yelling, screaming and dancing around the house. In addition to that I texted and emailed everybody I knew and I posted it all over my Face Book page but it seemed like I was kind of waiting for something bad to happen. Like maybe they got my book confused with someone else’s. Maybe they hadn’t really meant to send me that acceptance letter and the contract with my name and the name of my book on it. I don’t think I really believed it was real until I saw my books on my publisher’s website (www.passionatewriterpublishing.com), Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

You would think I would have been ready to jump back in there and get started on the next book or get back to work on the many books I have in progress so I could get them edited and fired off to my new publisher. You would think right? But none of that was uppermost in my mind. I guess my god son made me see what was wrong when he called me one day and asked what I had been doing since he last talked to me and I told him working on my next book – his response was “Dang ma. You writing another one?”. As I sat there laughing at him I realized what was wrong. Being a published author meant I now had a responsibility to follow up with more books. Fear is a terrible thing and I was absolutely terrified that the next book(s) I sent in wouldn’t be met with the same enthusiasm as my initial manuscripts.

I have read enough writing articles and know the most important thing is to believe in yourself as a writer and in your work but I was having trouble finding the confidence which had helped me endure through the years as I worked towards being published. But in addition to the wonderful staff at PWP, there are also some pretty amazing writers. I was quickly befriended by a veteran of the game, Omegia Keeys. Her words of encouragement along with my constant support system at home helped me get through something I never imagined happening to me. I call it writer’s post partum depression. After all our books are like babies growing inside of us until it’s time for delivery and once they are published it’s like giving birth – a relief because it’s done but then the realization that now the real work is ahead of you.

Now months later I’m back on track and working on my follow up books with a smile on my face and confidence in my writing. What I learned from this and I guess it’s true for anything you want to do in your life – make sure you have some back up. Those people who you can always go to or if you’re like me who come to you when you need a nudge or a hard shove.


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