Review: The Lightkeeper's Ball - Colleen Coble

Wanting a historical Christian Thriller to read ? From Author Colleen Coble on behalf of The B&B Media Group and Netgalley , I bring forth for readers today's book "The Lightkeeper's Ball".

The Lightkeeper's Ball (A Mercy Falls Novel)

Review: The Lightkeeper's Ball - Mercy Falls Novel - Colleen Coble - April 2011

As a fan of Christian Fiction, it is really good to find new authors and ones that you enjoy as we all know what can happen when we read alot of the same particular genre or more the technical term formula fiction. It just starts to blend all into one and by the time you have made your way through that theme , you are so bored off it , you don't wish to go near it. I had previously read a couple of Colleen Coble's books and enjoyed them , however after reading The Lightkeeper's Ball - I would have to admit that this is one of my favourite at least in the top 10 Christian Fiction novels up there with Divine/ Unlocked - Karen Kingsbury , The Reluctant Prophet - Nancy Rue etc.- More to come on that later as its given me an idea for a blog post.
The LightKeeper's Ball takes us into the life of Olivia Stewart , when news arrives home that her sister has passed away in a drowning accident and her family are left more penniless as her father was said to have died six months ago. Olivia is a bit confused and suspicious as her sister was terrified of water and there was no way she would have killed herself near the water , much less death by drowning. So Olivia hops a boat and hides herself under the pseudonym of Lady Devonworth to find out who exactly killed herself, her suspicions lie on her sister's fiance Harrison Bennett. When somebody tries to kill Olivia and Harrison saves her and the two start spending more time together, Olivia's suspicion of Harrison dies down but as more risks occur and death threats happen , Olivia must find out the killer before she is next on the murder list. When Harrison finds out the true identity of Lady Devonworth , will he feel betrayed and Olivia lose her one chance at true love or will the two realise that they did what they had too both to protect the ones they love ?
An Amazing piece of Christian fiction , that is easy to read , keeps the reader intrigued with its twists and turns and a book that makes me want to read the two previous novels in the LightKeeper's series.


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