VBT# Amber's Muse - Lacey Wolfe

Today's VBT# is Amber's Muse by Lacey Wolfe and is brought to you on behalf of Sizzling "ssssszzzz" PR. In a way, I enjoyed the blurb of this book and look forward to actually reading it one day as I add it to my TBR List as Librarian by Day, Steamy Author by Night - sounds exactly like something up my alley as I head this weekend to a Romance Writers of NZ Christmas Workshop Weekend away.

Synopsis: Amber's Muse - Lacey Wolfe- 2011
Sometimes it’s the person you least expect who can satisfy all your desires
By day Amber’s a librarian, and by night she hides away writing erotic romance novels. She has just one problem—not enough sexual experience to pull from. A recent steamy dream leaves Amber wondering if her neighbor Jax might be just the guy who can help her. He seems almost perfect to use as a sexual guinea pig, especially since she doesn’t have to worry about falling in love with him.
Jax has lived next door to Amber for a year and has tried everything he can think of to get her to notice him, but it hasn’t worked. Until recently. When Amber approaches him asking for his help, he’s ready to jump on board. When he learns exactly what kind of help she needs, he’s definitely willing.Becoming involved with someone like Jax simply isn’t an option for Amber. He barely works, can’t manage his money, and has no ambition in life. So why does he suddenly seem so right for her?
Content Warning: explicit sex

About The Authoress:
It's always been my dream to be a writer. Ever sense I was a child, creating stories has been a passion of mine. I have always said that one day I would be an author. Finally, I am working on this dream of mine. I have two children who have been keeping me busy for the past 7 years. My youngest is starting pre-k this year and I have more time for me and to concentrate on what I want out of this life. So I am picking up pen and paper...well I guess keyboard and screen, and working on this dream. It isn't going to be easy. There will be many ups and downs, but I am ready. I know this dream will come true, my mom told me so, "You can be anything you want to be when you grow up." Thanks mom, here goes nothing!

From the Desk of Lacey Wolfe:
Pen Name

Like most authors, I use a pen name. Coming up with a pen name isn’t as easy as it seems. It’s like getting a chance to be your parents and name yourself. This is your second identity. The name a big part of the world is going to know you by. Really, it’s a lot of pressure to get it right. First, I thought I would use my middle name with my last name, but there was already an author out there with that name. So, that wasn’t going to work. I wanted some part of my name in it so it would still feel like me.
Well, one day it just clicked, Lacey Wolfe. I can now think of myself as Lacey. It took a while. It felt so strange to create an email and a twitter account with this name. To put my picture there and see my face when all I wanted to see was my cat. Yes, you read that right. It was eleven years ago when a small one week old kitten came into my possession. A fuzzy gray and white fur ball. I named her Lacey and she was like my first child. I bottle fed her and kept this cute little kitten alive. In November of 2010 I lost Lacey to cancer at the age of ten. I am so grateful to have had ten wonderful years of love from her and when her name popped into my head for a pen name, I knew it was perfect. In a way for me, it lets her stay alive in my heart.
So, what that being said, when I first started seeing my picture next to the name, Lacey Wolfe, it took an adjustment. I know I could not have picked a better name. Hopefully she would feel the same way.
Thank you so much for having me on your blog today. Just for fun, leave a comment letting me know what you would choose for a pen name.
To learn more about me and what I am working on, visit me at http://www.laceywolfe.com/


  1. Thank you for hosting Lacey today. I loved this post.

  2. Thank you for having me today. I loved being able to share this story.


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