Review: The Girl in the Steel Corset - Kady Cross

Looking for a Steampunk novel to read ? With the release of Kady Cross's new book "The Girl in the Clockwork Cellar" , I bring you Book #1 in the series - The Girl in the Steel Corset.
Review: The Girl in the Steel Corset - Book #1 Steampunk Chronicles - Kady Cross - May 2011
With the year 2011 , it brought with them a new form of literature known as Steampunk and many novels started to turn up published with this theme , one of them in particular was The Girl in the Steel Corset which I have above the English and German Covers. The Girl in the Steel Corset captures the reader's attention from it's outstanding cover of a girl in a red dress with her back to us , it's almost like she is trying to escape from whatever is holding her back. The Girl in the Steel Corset turns out to be a young girl by the name of Finley Jayne , the year is 1897 and the location is England. Finley , has always felt a bit out of place as she has a side to her that when she is irritated , hurt or angry appears and takes over. This side can be violent and one night whilst working for Lord Felix August-Raynes , he comes to her drunk and tries to rape her . Finley cracks and soon a full-blown fight escalates and then Finley scared runs , whilst running she is nearly hit by Griffin and his friend Sam. Griffin King is one of the richest men in Britain and he and his friends though have a dark secret, they each have special abilities. Griffin has spent his life pursuing and continuing his father's work bringing in a team of specials . He has his right-hand man Sam who is part mechanical and Emily who is a whiz at machinery and other abilities and of course Jasper- an American Cowboy with a dark secret. The team are hunting down a serial killer known as The Machinist and when they discover Finley , she could be the asset to their team. The downside though is that no-one believes in Finley except for Griffin , who we can read is smitten and I'm sure we can sense a start of a romantic engagement between the pair. We discover the true identity of Finley's father and why she is the way she is. Reading the book - I figured Sam to be almost like Frankenstein , Jasper like Dorian Gray and Finley Jayne reminded me of the Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde but in her case Dr. Jekyl and Miss. Hyde. Can the pair teach Finley to get her powers and abilities under control ?
The Girl in the Steel Corset has all the bits and bobs for lovers of Historical , Supernatural, Steampunk, Mystery novels. It also reminded me alot of a younger almost-teen like version of the movie starring Sean Connery "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" mixed with Beth Fantaskey's book "Jekyll Loves Hyde".
Stay Tuned readers as I bring forth to you Books #1.5 and #2


  1. I adored this book, along with all of the books in the series. The characters are captivating and the plot keeps you on the edge of you seat even after the climax. I cannot wait to read more!
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