Review: Innocent Darkness - Suzanne Lazear

Do you enjoy Steampunk ? Looking for a new series to read ?
Review: Innocent Darkness - Suzanne Lazear- Book#1 The Aether Chronicles- August 2012
Steampunk is one of those genres , that you either enjoy it or don't. For me, I enjoy the mixture of thee Victorian era with the modern/fantasy world and it's aspects. 
Innocent Darkness by Suzanne Lazear mixes Steampunk with Fantasy as the novel starts with a girl named Annabelle who is being hunted by fairies as in order for the fairies to keep their magic, every seven years they have to sacrifice a girl who is vivacious and contains that extra ommph, a special spark. Seven years ago, Annabelle not wanting to be sacrificed took the way out via suicide. Now seven years later, they are on the lookout for a new girl and it seems that Noli is the one. Noli, loves all the things that girls are not supposed to as she lives in the time when girls are supposed to be ladies and their future lies in getting married off rather than becoming mechanics and air-pilots which Noli loves. When Noli finds herself shipped off to a boarding school in San Francisco, home of the Fairies - she finds herself sucked into a world of magic, abuse, torture and most of all having to learn to survive if she ever wants to return home to her mother and best friend V.
A great start to a series that if Suzanne Lazear continues to write in the way she is headed , it will be a series I wouldn't mind continuing.
Perfect for those who love Steampunk and those who love Fairies. 


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