Review: The Scent of Rain - Kristin Billerbeck

Are you a fan of Christian Chick Lit ? 
Do you love Perfumes , Up's and Down's , Happy Endings and of course books written by Kristin Billerbeck ?
Review: The Scent of Rain - Kristin Billerbeck - August 2012
In order to have the perfect life , Daphne left the one thing that she loved most in the world to start a new life. All was going well, until the morning of her wedding she was left dumped at the altar. From that day, Daphne found herself in the middle of a new town - Dayton, Ohio , in a run-down house and now working as "a nose" for a laundry company. Things would have been better but Daphne has lost the one thing she is relied upon , the one thing she has perfected all her life - her sense of smell. Now Daphne, must fake her way through her new job if she wants to survive in Dayton, Ohio but what happens when the one thing she is supposed to have , nearly kills her and her secret is revealed. To top it off , Daphne has started to fall for her new boss Jesse - a single father . Can Daphne prove to Jesse that she is more than just "a nose" and that  even though she lied to protect herself, she cares for him ? The Scent of Rain is a fun and in some parts sad novel that will have you enjoying the up's and down's of life, love and scents. 
The Scent of Rain is about one women's journey to creating a new life and that sometimes in order to start a new and fresh life , you have to sacrifice or lose something of yourself in order to grow and in Daphne's case it was her sense of smell.


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