Review: Wife 22 - Melanie Gideon

Looking for a good chick-lit novel ?
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Review: Wife 22 - Melanie Gideon - May 2012
Picking this book up , I wasn't sure what to expect but as I plodded along with it , the end result was that I loved It :). Told in a series of different formats from emails , to facebook entries , to diary entries, twitter etc. Wife 22 is the ideal read for anyone who is up to the play with Social Media applications. The novel starts off with Alice Buckle joining a marriage in the 21st Century research programme and has been given the identification number of Wife #22 by the researcher who is known throughout the novel as Researcher 101.  Each week Researcher 101 sends Wife 22 a series of 5 questions relating to her marriage and current life situations and each week faithfully Alice sends them on. In the midst of the novel we read as Alice struggles with family life from her husband whom she is becoming to appear distant from , her 12yr old son Peter who she thinks is gay and her 15yr old daughter Zoe who she thinks has an eating disorder . Alice decides that the only comfort she has is to email and talk to Researcher 101.  Eventually she convinces Researcher 101 to set up a facebook page under aliases so that they can chat on their and so begins a daily routine. As the pair get to know each other more , they start to fall for each other . Will Alice and Researcher 101 ever meet ? What happens when the pair become engrossed with each other ?
This was an amazing and fun novel to read as I loved the different formats used throughout the book , it made it more enjoyable to read.
The only downside I had with the book was that I wish that the questions were above her answers when she wrote them as I am not the type of person to open the back of a book before I read it , I did not realise that at the back of the book - there was a list of the questions asked until I had actually finished the story. Other than that this was a fun , light-hearted chick lit novel that does also show readers the dangers of Facebook and flirting online.



  1. I love that this was an amazing and fun read. It sounds like a great book to read and I look forward to reading it soon. Thanks for mentioning the questions at the back of the book- otherwise I wouldn't have seen them until the end. :)


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