Review: Burned - Sara Shepard

Are you as big a fan of the Pretty Little Liars series as I am ?
Have you been faithfully following the books as well as the hit TV Show which OMG starts up next week :) YAY !!!!!!
Today's book review is Book #12 in the Pretty Little Liars Series , so readers get ready to be ............
Review: Burned - Book #12 Pretty Little Liars Series - Sara Shepard - December 2012
Omg , have you ever discovered a series that you just have to read and every time you read it , it makes your blood pump and you are ecstatic and overjoyed and you fall into that feeling of comfort and excitement ? For me, one of the series that does it is the Pretty Little Liars series and as soon as I discovered that Book #12 Burned was available I knew I just had to read it.
You would think that the foursome would know never to stray far from Rosewood as even out in the middle of nowhere , "A" can find them. In Burned , we learn that before the Cruise in which the four girls are going to take is that Hanna took a girl home from the club, only to have the car crash and Hanna calling the girls helped put Madison in the drivers seat and fled the scene. Now on the Cruise , we discover Emily is trying still to be forgiven from her parents when they discovered that she gave birth last summer - what will happen when Emily stumbles across a stowaway who happens to be a rich escaped convict ? When she offers Emily the chance to disappear - will Emily take it or will "A" call the authorities about the stowaway before Emily can ?  Aria , signing up for a scavenger hunt ends up getting paired with a boy from another school - what happens though when it turns out that Aria's new partner is none other than Tabitha - the girl that they "killed" in Jamaica ? Does he know more than he is letting on about what happened that night in Jamaica ? Hanna and Spencer will be in for a surprise as remember Naomi - from the previous Pretty Little Liar books . Well, Naomi will turn out to be Hanna's roommate and even worse is that Naomi turns out to be none other than Madison's cousin - does Madison know what really happened that night and has she shared it with Naomi ? Spencer's hunky friend from Princeton - Reefer is also on the cruise but what will happen when it seems that someone else wants Reefer all to herself - will Naomi win Reefer all to herself when "A" starts threatning Spencer to stay away or else ?
Find out all this and more in the latest Pretty Little Liars release - Burned by Sara Shepard


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