Cover Reveal : Tone Deaf - Olivia Rivers

Today's Cover Reveal is "Tone Deaf" by Olivia Rivers here on The Phantom Paragrapher.

Synopsis: Tone Deaf -Olivia Rivers - November 2013
After receiving over 800,000 online reads, “Tone Deaf” is coming to book stores!

His world is music…
…Her world is silent.

Ali Blinde was a prodigy destined to become one of the greatest musicians of the 21st century.

Until the brain tumor struck.

Now seventeen, Ali lives in a soundless world where she gets by with ASL and lip-reading. So when she meets Jace Beckett, she thinks he’s her worst nightmare come true. Jace is the lead singer in the wildly-popular band, Tone Deaf, and he’s exactly the kind of success-story Ali hates and resents.

Nineteen-year-old Jace has it all: fame, money, and any girl he wants. Every night on tour brings a new performance and a new girl, which is just what he needs to avoid the pain of relationships.

But when Jace learns Ali is being abused, he reluctantly proposes a solution: Run away with him and his band as they tour the country. With freedom in sight, Ali takes the offer. Immediately, she’s swept into a world filled with wild punk music, wilder musicians, and maybe—just maybe—love.

"Tone Deaf" is a New Adult Romance coming September 4th, 2013! 

Goodreads Link : 



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