Review: Aura by Rebecca Lynn Talley


Review: Aura - Rebecca Lynn Talley - November 2012

Crystal Scott has always been a good girl, one that has never felt the need to lie to her parents , love her parents and follows rules. Seventeen years later , she is at school when she experiences her teacher's eyes looking dead and feels sick. Soon , it is discovered that demons are infiltrating the city and her friends and inside of Crystal is the power to stop the fight between good and evil as within her body is the power of light and strong light as well. Soon we discover that this war links back to her parents and that their is a organisation called The Covenant who make it their job to stop the demons from overpowering the people of America.  If you are looking for a teen novel with a supernatural twist and set in the eyes of a high schooler, then check out Aura by Rebecca Lynn Talley.


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