Review: Falling Away - Devon Ashley

Review: Falling Away - Book #2 Falling Series -Devon Ashley- February 2013

Jenna has just completed her first two years of Community College and living happily with her boyfriend Robert and best friend Sophie and her fiance Jhett. This novel starts off with Sophie and Jhett planning their wedding and the thought of Jenna and Robert being next pops up. Jenna however isn't ready for it and it will start to develop into a major part of Falling Away as during a flower shop visit where Sophie and Jenna have gone to look at arrangements for the wedding, Evan pops up. At first I thought Evan was a ghost and in some way he is as he is in limbo. We learn that Evan has suffered a head trauma and is in hospital. Jenna goes to visit him and their odd relationship but not strikes up again. As the story goes on it gets Jenna wondering if she is to be with Robert or Evan. What will happen though when Robert believes she is cheating on him with Evan and kicks her to the curb leaving her with zilch, nada. What will Jenna do next ?
Falling Away is a Paranormal Romance with a New Adult Twist to it and though it is Book #2 in the series , it can be read as a stand-alone.


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