I Need You by Jane Lark book blitz

Synopsis: I Need You - Book #3  Starting Out Series - Jane Lark - October 2014

Guilt can eat away at you, but love can cut like a knife…

Lusting after his best friend’s girlfriend is a cliché Billy knows well – it’s the tightrope he’s walked for years.
But now Jason and Lindy have broken up and Billy can’t help but be there for the girl he’s loved from afar for so long. She’s hurting.

Fighting to find a road to the future, Lindy’s heart hurts. She’s trying to escape the truth, but Billy keeps making her face it – and it’s ugly. How can she keep living when everything is made of glass and it keeps shattering?

Her one constant is Billy. Only, rebound isn’t his style and when Lindy starts to see him in a different light, he just can’t trust her. He’s no one’s second best.

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23245066-i-need-you?from_search=true



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