Review: Deeper - Robin York

Review: Deeper - Book#1 Caroline and West Series - Robin York- January 2014

After breaking up with her boyfriend Nate, Caroline thought she would be over and done with him, but Nate wasn't the type of guy that let girls reject him, so what he did next was horrible. While dating Caroline trusted Nate and let him take some risque photos of her performing sexual acts on him, when they broke up he decided to let those photos roam the internet and just like that Caroline's sexual escapades were out of the world wide web for the whole world to view. The book then jumps three months later and Caroline has spent the last three months trying to keep a low profile and take down all the sites with the pictures posted. One day, she walks in on West getting into a fight with Nate over her , what does this mean - does West like her ? Caroline and West met on the first day of College but have stayed clear of each other as they don't really mix in the same circles. As the book goes along, we read as Caroline finds herself attracted quite strongly to West and we learn that West likes Caroline alot but he won't let himself get attached to him as the life he is living at the university is a fantasy world, it's not reality and he can't , he won't let Caroline into his real world as he doesn't believe he is good enought for her and that there is room in his actual life for her. Deeper is a novel that will start off with unrequited love and then actual love that has to be kept a secret to pushing away when someone gets close. Deeper is a story of what happens when you love someone so much it hurts , but you know that deep down you aren't the right person for them - no matter how much you want to be. In some aspects I did like this story as I find the whole sexting being posted online quite a fascinating subject to touch on - the revenge porn scenario, the part though that I didn't like about Deeper the slow foreplay and lead up with Caroline and West and the one step forward, two steps backwards relationship as being in one of those in reality I know how frustrating it can be and I don't really want to read about it as I feel like going "AAAH" at the characters and a "make up your mind and be with her godammit , no in-between business here.
I am interested though to see how the author will develop these two characters further and to see if they will finally both get their heads and hearts in sync with one another.




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