Review: The Colossus - Ranjini Iyer

The Colossus

Review: The Colossus - Ranjini Iyer - December 2014

Are you a fan of the Stephanie Plum Series or Darynda Jone's Charley Davidson series ? Do you enjoy your mystery novels with a hint of light-heartedness and not too deep that you can often get a bit confused or on the dark side of life ? That's what I found when I was reading The Colossus as we meet Maxine aka Max Rosen who works by owning her own catering business - a real different career choice than those she grew up around in her family as we discover that her family's background was science. One day, while tidying up , Max comes across a coded document that she discover's was her fathers and links back to pharmecuticals that were used back in the Nazi era for medical experiments , even more so the drugs came from Ancient India. I quite liked this part as the author had connected all three different time periods together quite well as often some authors find it really difficult to join them together with a flow that readers can enjoy and not find to discomforting, but Ranjini Iyer managed to achieve this as I found that despite the book having that light-hearted mystery feel , it was very well written and researched. Of course what's a book without a romance interest blooming in the background and for Max Rosen , that romance interest comes in the form of the handsome professor Julian McIntosh whom she has hired to help her solve the mystery and of course stay one step or more which they would prefer to ahead of the German pharmaceutical company that want the files and Yes, they will kill anyone who gets in the way of their dastardly plans. 
The other thing that likened this to the Stephanie Plum and Charley Davidson books was that Maxine has been thrust into this world of espionage and she is an ordinary size ten girl with her self-esteem flaws and she isn't all Lara Croft Tomb Raider like which often the girls who star in these adventure mystery novels are and this is what adds the humour to the book and makes it more realistic to the reader.
 Readers, if you are in the mood for a mystery that isn't too deep but not fluffy at all , then check out "The Colossus" by Ranjini Iyer today as you will not be disappointed as you find yourself quickly immersed in the pages.


  1. Thanks for the great review Paula! I really do appreciate it.


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