Review: Infinite Possibilities - Lisa Renee Jones

Infinite Possibilities (The Secret Life of Amy Bensen, #2)

Review: Infinite Possibilities - Book #2 The Secret Life of Amy Bensen - Lisa Renee Jones - July 2015

Firstly, what's awesome about this book was that it was released on my birthday and secondly it had been one that I have been waiting for as one of my favourite topics to read about in books is - witness protection like stories or ones where the main person is hiding a deep dark secret and isn't who she/he says they are. In Book #2 we read as it begins where Book #1 left off with Amy heading to find a new identity as she had overheard a conversation between Liam - the guy she fell in love with and thought she knew and his friends.  So it's pack up time and escape as Amy heads off to somewhere where she can't be found and with a new identity nonetheless. This leads her to a small diner in the middle of nowhere, but even that's not safe when the people who want you have an unlimited amount of resources and a endless supply of finance.  Amy is reunited with Liam and taken to a safe place, it is here that we start to learn more about Amy's past and why she has been running to keep herself safe. Unlike the first book, where Amy had a couple flashbacks - Book #2 provides quite a lot of detail of her past and shows us why she runs to protect those she loves as anyone who gets close, finds themselves six feet under. With the help of her new friends and Liam , can she finally discover who she has been running from and why and also will it be enough to keep her safe and sound ? At the end of Infinite Possibilities, we also catch a glimpse of hope and excitement as we learn that her older brother Chad whom she thought had been dead, may very well be alive.  I am now looking forward to reading Book #3 which is told from Amy's brother Chad's POV.  If you love mysteries, suspense and intrigue with a romantic spin - then Lisa Renee Jones's series "The Secret Life of Amy Bensen" is the perfect series for you.



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