Review: The Birthright - Necole Ryse

The Birthright (Birthright #3)

Review: The Birthright - Book #3 Birthright Trilogy - Necole Ryse - September 2015

Sometimes Raevyn wishes that if her life would have been so much easier if she had ended up going to prison for the bank robbery that she helped with along with Wade and her at the time boyfriend Antoine instead of being shipped off to an All Black Ivy League boarding school where legacies ruled the school. If you weren't an legacy, then you really had no point in being at the school and as Raveyn's year continues she discovers that her father was part of this school back in 1994 and that their is alot of secrets being hidden of what happened during that year when a group of the classmates became known as the "94" Misfits. Raevyn swears that it has something to do with her as she was born the following year , somehow Raevyn believes she has discovered the truth about her birth but there are still so many more unanswered questions and if Raevyn doesn't watch her step - then she may not be here to get the answers she is looking for as someone definitely wants her dead and since they have failed a few times before, this time they are going for the kill - no matter what. The thing though that I love about Raevyn is that no matter what is thrown at her , she charges back at full force and always rises to prove others wrong and that they don't know a damn thing about who she really is.  The ending of The Birthright reveals all about Raevyn's life and upbringing and the situation surrounding her birth. In a way this last book reminded me of the Kate Brian's series "Private" and the "Billings Girl" series. If you love drama , boarding school mayhem, teen angst and romantic suspense and mysteries galore - then The Birthright series is the trilogy for you . I have loved reading it , and like most series when you come to an end - I am sad to see it finish as I have very much enjoyed it.


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