Review : After - Amy Efaw

After by Amy Efaw

Review : After - Amy Efaw - August 2009

A Heartwrenching Teen Fiction "Highly Recommend to ALL"

In the book "After" by Amy Efaw - (2009) , that is the case in this book . We meet 15yr old Devon Sky Davenport , a champion soccer player and going places , hoping not to end up like her mother -pregnant as a teen , working two jobs and going nowhere. Unfortunatley , one Summer when Devon is babysitting she meets a Cute guy , Connor who they hit it off with. After an unplanned night of Passion, Devon ends up pregnant. But here's where it gets odd , is that Devon is pulled into a crossroads for the next 9 months - she's either pregnant and knows it or she doesn't realise as she's only had sex the one time . ( That's all It can take, sometimes. Just look @ Lane Kim on Gilmore Girls , she had sex on her honeymoon at 18 and feel pregnant with Twins) . Living in a state of denial , Devon goes on with life till she's in labour one day while home alone and panicking dumps her baby in the Dumpster in the back alley. From that one moment , Devons life that she has tried so hard to make perfect goes to dust where she is charged with 5 counts of crime for Attempted Murder to Assault and things go from good to bad really quick. As time goes by, Devon learns to settle in Juvi and through conversations with her attorney Dominique- call me Dom we find out about her life before the baby and we learn what she went through and how she ended up in her situation. This is one of those books that will make you tear up as you can't help showing compassion for Devon , a recommended read to all and highly heart-wrenching. Though due to some content , I recommend for 16+ Over. 


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