VBT # Turning Grace - J.Q Davis

Turning Grace (The Turning, #1)

Review: Turning Grace - Book #1 The Turning Series - J.Q Davis - 2014 

Seeing the cover of this book , it drew me in and captivated me - I just knew that I would want to pick up the book and start reading it and I loved it. However, in parts I was a little confused and had to re-read the sentence or two just to make sure I was reading correctly. Turning Grace starts off with little Grace at five years old coming home from the hospital and she  has been sick. Apparently she is all cured now. Then next thing we know her mother has woken up and her finger is missing. It's at this point we know something strange is happening with Grace. Next thing we know she is seventeen and living with her mother. There is no mention of the incident or her father , this was one of the points I had to go back and re-read to make sure I hadn't missed anything as I was like - what just happened here ? The other thing I was thinking was what happened to the rest of Grace's family as I thought she had a older sister Lucy - turns out that Lucy was actually her pet puppy.  We learn that for the past 10+ years her mum changed her name and moved away, hiding Grace from the truth of what was really wrong with her. Feeding her and making sure she takes the correct nutrients. Now that Grace is seventeen her appetite is increasing and if she doesn't get food fast she deteriorates at a quicker pace until she gets the food in. When things start to spiral out of control , how long can Grace keep it under wraps and from her mother before bad things start occurring ? What will happen when Grace learns the truth of who she really is and why she is the way she is ? Can Veronica get Grace the help she needs to manage her condition before anymore get hurt and people start asking questions ? 
Find out in this fast-paced read that kept me captivated from the very first biting incident.  If you love Horror and the Supernatural , then you will love Turning Grace by JQ Davis. I now can't wait to read the next few books in the series.


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