VBT# Heat Wave - Karina Halle

Heat Wave 

Review: Heat Wave - Karina Halle - November 2016

Have you always felt like you were the black sheep of your family? Ever wanted to get away from them as you feel like you can never please them? For Veronica aka Ronnie Locke, she was the younger daughter of the Deputy Mayor of Chicago. Her older sister Juliet was the one everyone put on a pedestal; she was the perfect sister, and the one everyone was blinded for and wanted. While at one of her mother's rubbing shoulders parties, it is love at first sight for Ronnie as she spots Logan Shepard. They talk, and it seems things are on an equal plain and she finally has someone interested in her, that is until her sister steps in and Ronnie is once again pushed to the side. Seven years pass, Ronnie has lost not only her sister Juliet after an accident, but her career has been flushed down the toilet, and her last resort is Logan's hotel working as a Chef. Ronnie has never stopped loving Logan, but after the way he supposedly treated her sister, she has learned it is easier to hate him. What will happen though when her feelings for Logan are reignited, and she discovers that he feels the same way? Is it wrong to fall in love with the guy that is your sister's widow? What will happen to her perception when she discovers that her sister wasn't the perfect Juliet that everyone painted her to be? Just as things start to heat up completely between Logan and Ronnie - like a Heat Wave, what will happen when her parents find out and order her to choose. Choose Logan and he loses his hotel or leave him, come back to Chicago, and Logan keeps his hotel? Will she sacrifice her happiness to save the man she loves? Will Ronnie ever get her HEA with the guy that she has always loved? 
Find out in this fast-paced Hawaiian ( it made me want to go to Hawaii) Romance and readers, get ready for the Heat Wave that this scorching romance will leave you feeling.



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