VBT# Figure Eight - Calia Read

Figure Eight

Review: Figure Eight - Calia Read - March 2017

At first, I have to admit I didn't know what to expect as from the first page I thought that Selah - the main female character was a serial murderer or something as for why else would they interview a year later. The book then jumped to prior the incident, and in that prologue, we weren't given much as an indication of what Selah had done.  In the book, we meet Selah who has left her job as a teacher and come home to look after her mother who is sick and has dementia/Alzheimer's. Selah has been looking for a job but nothing is sticking, and years ago she joined a writing site as she has always had the dream of being an author. Selah gets an email from someone on the site, and they start communicating. This leads to a meeting and an eventual relationship between the pair Selah and Jared. Selah also has a new neighbor who has moved across the street whom she is suspicious of; her mother swears he is good, but Selah knows something is off about her new neighbor Noah. The book continues with Selah's everyday life until one day while out job searching, she arrives home to discover her mother is missing. One thing leads to another, and various police visits, Selah's mother is still missing, and things aren't looking up for Selah. Is someone out to get her and what happened to her mother? Then the major twist arrives in the novel and OMG when it did; I was like WTF - it was one twist that I didn't see coming, but then after I finished the book I could imagine it as the similar twist has been used before in horror/thriller movies.  It was this twist that made the book for me a 5P rating.  If you love Thrillers and Psychological books, then you will love Figure Eight by Calia Read.  A book that once you have finished will leave you thinking about everything you have just read and going back over everything to try and connect the dots - see if there were any clues and warnings.


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