Review: The Air He Breathes - Brittainy C. Cherry

The Air He Breathes (Elements, #1)

Review: The Air He Breathes - Book #1 The Elements Series - Brittainy C. Cherry - September 2015

I am the type of reader who often reads books out of order, though I never mean to it just happens. The thing though is that most of the books are stand-alone which mean it doesn't matter what order I read them in which is a bonus for me.  Last year, I read Book #3 of this series and boy was that an emotional rollercoaster of a read with the main character having selective mutism. I thought that this particular book was going to be with NA aged characters also but the main characters Tristan and Liz seemed older or at least in their early to mid 30's. Both have suffered extreme tragedies and loss and are trying to rebuild their lives one piece at a time. Unfortunately for Liz, she also has her daughter Emma to think of where as Tristan is all alone except for his trusty steed - his dog Zeus named after the Greek God featured in the Percy Jackson series. As a major bookworm, the other thing I adored was Tristan's body art - they are all bits and bobs from Children's books like Harry Potter, Charlotte's Web, etc. Tristan and Liz end up next door neighbors and both suffering from their losses, turn to one another in their times of need to forget life for a while and pretend to be each other loved ones. I have to admit; I found this part a bit weird as seriously - what do they think it's going to come to? Another thing that I made me love this book was Liz's best friend Faye - she was freaking hilarious - imagine if she was one Meghan Quinn's type characters and you have Faye.  If you want an edgy romantic suspense second chance story with emotions threaded throughout the pages, then check out Book #1 The Air He Breathes by Brittainy C. Cherry today.



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