Review: Geek Actually - Well Actually ... Episode #10 -Rachel Stuhler

Well, Actually... (Geek Actually #1.10)

Review: Well, Actually ... - Episode #10 Geek Actually Serial - Rachel Stuhler - August 2017
Taneesha's relationship is going well with Diego it seems, and they are ready to take it to the next level with Netflix and Chill the gamers way, but what happens when the pair end up in an argument about Taneesha's doxing and what Diego calls her feminist rant. We later learn that Diego supports and is part of the Gamergate community. This got me thinking about GamerGate as it was a big thing last year with the Male vs. Female gamers. For those who don't sure want GamerGate was it concerned the issues of sexism and progressivism in video game culture, stemming from a harassment campaign conducted primarily through the use of the hashtag #GamerGate. This is a deal breaker for Taneesha as she knows what it is like to be a female in the gaming world.  Can Taneesha and Diego's relationship stand firm or will this be game over for the both of them? Sadly, this episode had a lot of Game Over moments as we read that Ruby has passed away and now where does that leave Ellie, her assistant? Episode #10 featured the issues of  #Gamergate and Death.  I have been enjoying this serial and will be sad to see it end as I only have three more episodes to read before it ends.


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