Review : What He Doesn't Know - Kandi Steiner

What He Doesn't Know (What He Doesn't Know Duet, #1)

Review: What He Doesn't Know - Book #1 What He Doesn't Know Duet - Kandi Steiner - March 2018
Charlie is in a dead marriage and getting worse as each day passes, for the past five years her and her husband Cameron have been spiraling down the rabbit hole. Five years ago, Charlie was pregnant and then her husband cheated on her. Then they have been drifting further and further apart. Reese used to live in Mount Lebanon with his family and was close to Charlie's family. The past few years for him have been awful as his family was killed by a mass shooting at the local park. Ready to try and move on with his life, he gets a job teaching Music at the local academy where to his surprise Charlie - the girl he has always loved also teaches. The pair were the "what if " couple as the age differences always held Reese back until now that they are both 30+, age gaps aren't frowned upon. The thing is, of course, Charlie is married. As the book goes along, we see Charlie torn between the man she married and the man she has always loved since she was a little girl. I have to admit; she did frustrate me in parts as it was like she was playing the two of them against each other and messing with Reese's head and heart. The other thing that annoyed me was that it wasn't until Cameron saw Reese as a "real threat" that he started to show any affection to Charlie after nothing for five years WTF. What a spineless jerk. Though I also think Charlie needed to get some guts and choose one and not play them against one another. It's like you can't swing between the both of them Charlie, that's not fair. The book ends on a semi-cliffhanger and readers are left wondering who she will pick - Cameron or Reese? I am now nervous to read Book #2 as I have heard that all the characters go downhill fast and quick. If you don't mind cheating and looking for a book with angst, then check out "What He Doesn't Know" by Kandi Steiner.


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