Review: Shelf Awareness - Katie Ashley

Shelf Awareness (Green Valley Library, #4)

Review: Shelf Awareness - Book#4 Green Valley Library - Katie Ashley - November 2019
Finley knew her relationship with her husband had started to falter so she decided to lose some weight thanks to a personal trainer Xander and then preparing for a sexy night with her husband Grant she arrives home for a surprise of her own. Her husband is in bed with someone else. Hurt and rejected, Finley goes to stay with her grandmother and godmothers Beatrice, Estelle and Dot in Green Valley. Though Green Valley doesn't have a newspaper career as she had hoped, she finds herself a job at the local library where the Bethany Winston collection has been turned into a Green Valley Historical section. Finley accepts the job as their Historical librarian. During this time, she gets to know their local IT guy Zeke who is on a sabbatical from his actual job and helping out at the library. Zeke is on a mission himself as he was adopted and has found out that his birth father lived in Green Valley and was part of the Iron Wraiths MC gang. Of course, when Zeke finds him, it's not all roses and happy rainbows and when Zeke's biological father learns just how much Zeke is worth - he sets out to kidnap Finley. Can Zeke save Finley and in doing so can he prove to her how much he loves her and wants to spend his life with her? Was Green Valley the place that Finley needed to be in order to find herself again and rediscover the parts that her now ex-husband had taken away from her? Find out in another awesome Smartypants Romance read and be reunited with some of your favorite characters - in this case, Naomi Winters from Love in Due Time.


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