Review: Vulnerable - Abigail Castle

Vulnerable: High School Cyber Bullying Series (Book1) STAND ALONE

Review: Vulnerable - Book #1 HS Cyberbullying Series - Abigail B. Castle - October 2019

Elise only had one year left at school and she had lived in the background at school and she just wanted things to stay the same, that was until she became cyberbullied by Luke.  Elise had no idea why she had become his target but soon her whole life was out on Social Media and she found herself spiraling down into a mess until it got so bad one day that Elise needed her sister and sent her an SOS text. Elise's sister was always the popular one and turns out the reason Elise is the target is that her sister dumped Luke and no-one dumps Luke. Elise's sister has lots of dirt on Luke and so she gets her revenge and starts to give Luke a taste of his own medicine but unlike Elise who had her sister and her family to lean on - Luke's life spirals even faster than hers and he has no-one to lean on which ends on a life-changing decision that sadly no-one can reverse. Vulnerable shows the hard side and the ugly dark side of the effects of bullying and what can happen if you don't have the support around you and how easy one tiny decision can ruin your life forever. It also gives readers the reminder that every action we do, has a consequence whether it's a good one or bad one. Unlike the other bully stories, this one doesn't end in a HEA.


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