Review: Polite Society - Mahesh Rao

Polite Society

Review: Polite Society - Maheseh Rao - August 2019

One of my favorite tropes to read is when authors decide to write renditions/variants of classic novels and even more so when they bring them into the modern centuries. This one grabbed my attention at the library, especially after seeing the movie Emma at the cinemas. Polite Society is a modern version of the classic Jane Austen story "Emma" and is set in India. Our Emma is Ania Khurana and her best friend is Dimple whom we knew in the original story as Harriet. Our Elton, the character she wants as a more suitable option for Dimple is journalist Fahim and then we have our George Knightley who is known in Polite Society as Dev Gahlot who is an archaeologist. In parts I did find the story a slow burn, but overall as I knew what to expect with the basis of the original Emma - at the same time, it meant I was enjoying myself as I was waiting to see what the author did with the vital parts of the classic Emma.  Mahesh Rao did an amazing job at capturing the character's essence especially the spoiled side of Ania which Emma was famous for and the creepy side of Fahim. 
If you love Jane Austen's Emma and wanting to read a more contemporary version as well as get a bit of diversity in your reading with the book set in India and a strong focus on the Indian culture, then check out Polite Society by Mahesh Rao today.


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