Review: Burning Georgia - Jamie Blair

Burning Georgia

Review: Burning Georgia - Jamie Blair - February 2017

Being stuck in a bit of a reading rut often sucks as everything you try, it just feels so blah and it takes a great book to kick you out of that rut. I often find for me if I am stuck, I need to read a good mystery as that tends to draw me in. Scrolling through my kindle looking for something to read, I came across an older read that I have had for several years. Burning Georgia by Jamie Blair was a great YA thriller that I didn't see the end coming and I was very surprised when all was revealed. In Jamie Blair's Burning Georgia, we meet Michaela aka Mikey, and her family Mum, Dad, and sister Frankie. The family are trying to move on but still living in a shroud of grief and uncertainty as Mikey and Frankie's older sister Georgia was murdered three months ago and the police aren't any closer to a suspect and if that wasn't bad enough, they keep on pestering her dad and constantly treating him like a suspect since they fought over tuition money.  Mikey however has a dark secret, that could be the key to solving her sister's murder but her sister made her promise not to tell a soul - Georgia was posting naked pictures of herself online and making her tuition money that way and she was popular too. When Mikey goes to a party at an old friend's Rodney, she learns his stepdad Ben is the Officer on Georgia's case and so Mikey gets cosy with Rodney so she can peek at the file and form her investigation. What will happen though when she is caught, will Georgia's killer be forever in the wind, or is her killer closer than Mikey realizes? Find out in this fun YA Thriller - Burning Georgia by Jamie Blair.



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