Review: Bloody Kingdom - Kayleigh King

Bloody Kingdom (The Crimson Crown, #1)

Review: Bloody Kingdom - Book #1 Crimson Crown Series - Kayleigh King - May 2021

Wasn't sure what this book was going to be about as I went in blind and I found myself really enjoying it and as someone who these days isn't that big on paranormal/supernatural romance anymore, this meant that this was a great read. Set in New Orleans, we meet Quincey who's an orphan and has moved back home after she thought she was cursed as a nurse when she lived in Boston. Quincey's father was a gambler and racked up debt and of course, it landed on Quincey when he died, now she has to find the money fast otherwise Gallo's men will come for her. Meanwhile, Quincey has caught the eye of someone else very successful in New Orleans - Silas who happens to be a centuries-old Vampire. He needs a nurse as his companion is dying and in need of palliative care and he wants the best which is Quincy. Now Quincey owes Silas and has no choice otherwise he would happily hand her over to Gallo, who makes Silas be the lesser of two evils. I enjoyed this book as it had romantic suspense, danger, and adventure as well as a paranormal /supernatural storyline. I am now looking forward to seeing what the next book is like in this series and I also hope we see a romance blossom between Lucy who is Quincey's best friend and Duke - Silas's right-hand man. Reading this I also enjoyed traveling down memory lane and reminiscing the time I visited New Orleans in 2017.



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