VBT# It Started with a List - Tinia Montford

It Started with a List

Review: It Started with a List - Tinia Montford - January 2022

This particular book had captured my attention by the brightly colored cover and when I started it, I didn't necessarily have high expectations and I am glad I didn't as in this case, it made me enjoy this book more. There were quite a handful of things that just made this book such a good read for me.  The first thing which due to the cover, I will point out is that nowhere in this book did I feel like the issue of race was being shoved down my throat. Yes, the main character was black and the guy was white but throughout the story, the race of the characters wasn't the main point and it was nice for a change as I find sometimes when they focus on race the book can become a tad political. The other thing I loved was that this book was set in San Francisco as the characters visited the sights and this brought back good memories as I was there in December 2013. The other thing I loved was that the main character Vassa was flawed, she wasn't perfect and she reminded me quite a lot of myself including the fact that she was a first-generation academic as neither of my parents or grandparents went to university - my dad did decide to about 5 years ago which was awesome to see. The other thing is Vassa dreams of becoming a writer and studying writing which I love and if I could, I would have gone down that route as I did end up getting a BA in Communications and Humanities. It Started with a List is Vassa's way of coming out of her shell as she aims to complete a bucket list by Graduation and who better to help her than the fun-loving dorm neighbor - a floor down - Lazarus who in return gets the help he needs to not only pass his classes but get the courage to also discover his dreams and go after what he wants - event management and Vassa. It Started with a List by Tinia Montford is a fun NA college fiction read about pushing your boundaries and stepping out of those comfort zones as if you do, you may surprise yourself.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3zcdTBe


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