Top Ten Tuesday - Books with School Supplies on Cover

As Americans head back to school for the New Year - Today's TTT is Books with School Supplies on the Cover.
"A bit of a toughie one"
Here's the first 10 that came to my mind.

They're Watching You by Chelsea IchasoLibrary Girl by Karen Henry Clark Safe In My Arms by Sara Shepard
They All Had A Chance by Michele Leathers Influenced Love by Shellee Marie Spectacle by Angie McCullagh
It's Not You, It's Me by Gabrielle Williams Questions for Rebel Girls by Rebel Girls Isn't It Bromantic? by Lyssa Kay Adams
Deadly Little Sins by Kara Taylor

1. They're Watching You - Chelsea Ichaso - "Paper"
2. Library Girl - Karen Henry Clark - "Books + School Library"
3. Safe in my Arms - Sara Shepard - "School Bag"
4. They All Had a Chance - Michele Leathers - "Trophies"
5. Influenced Love - Shellee Marie - "Laptop"
6. Spectacle - Angie McCullagh - "Camera"
7. It's Not You, It's Me - Gabrielle Williams "Typewriter"
8. Questions for Rebel Girls - Rebel Girls - "Books"
9. Isn't It Bromantic ? - Lyssa Kay Williams - "Pen and Paper"
10. Deadly Little Sins - Kara Taylor - "School Uniform"

For more TTT posts - check out


  1. I love that Lyssa Kay Adams cover! What a fun topic to choose.

  2. Great choices here!
    My TTT:

  3. They look like good books.

    My partner is a teacher and he is going back to school at the beginning of September. We are in the UK.

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  4. I really LIKE your spin on the topic! Influenced Love by Shellee Marie seems like a cute read.

  5. Nice tweak on this week's topic. I wasn't feeling it and went rogue. Have a great week.


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