Review: Hold My Girl - Charlene Carr

Hold My Girl: A Novel

Review: Hold My Girl - Charlene Carr - January 2023

Katherine's daughter Rose is about to have her first birthday , when she gets the news and a phone call that the nurse at the IVF clinic swapped the eggs. It turns out that the child she had , she was not the biological mother.  Sadly, though this couldn't be an easy switch as the woman who had Katherine's eggs had a stillborn named Hanna. When the news is recieved Tess, the biological mother who has missed out on raising a child - decides that she wants a part in the child's life as it's hers not Katherine's and so the fight begins for the child. The other aspects that play into this is that Katherine is black and Tess is white and the child really is a spitting image of Tess. This was an interesting read as it's not like the child was switched at birth but switched at utereo and during IVF anything can happen. By all means Katherine is Rose's mother as she carried her for 9 months and then birthed her and has raised her for the past year but will the judge and court be able to justify Katherine having Rose since DNA proves she is in fact Tess's daughter. This was quite an edgy read and emotional at points and makes you think more about families, custody battles and the legalaties around birth and having children as I know there has also been cases where a surrogate mother has died while giving birth and hasn't had a chance to sign the birth certificate over to the real parents and therefore the biological mother hasn't been able to have any rights over her child all because of this technicality. After reading Hold My Girl, it also opens your eyes to the world of IVF, sperm donation and egg donations and then how often the switch could easily happen or like those stories where the doctor impregnated multiple women by using his own sperm instead of donations. Hold My Girl by Charlene Carr is written in a similar vein to authors like Jodi Picoult, Lesley Pearse, Barbara Delinskey and Kristin Hannah.



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