Review: A Perfect Mother - Jo Crow

Review: A Perfect Mother - Jo Crow - February 2020

Scrolling through my Kindle, I didn't know what to read and this one jumped out at me as I figured it would be a thriller which is what I've been enjoying lately. In A Perfect Mother by Jo Crow, Laurie's life is about to come full circle as at the beginning of this book we learn that Laurie's husband Ben has vanished without a trace and her daughter Fay who is only 4 years old has been left home alone. Laurie is worried and calls the police and her mother-in-law but of course, since it hasn't been that long - they are reluctant to do anything and even after 48 hours - they are still convinced Ben was having an affair or had enough of their marriage and walked out on Laurie and Fay. As the book goes along, Laurie's OCD starts coming back as when she was in college, she experienced trauma which developed PTSD and OCD tendencies. During this hard time, Laurie runs into Teddy Jones and eventually his sister Marissa. Teddy and Marissa went to college with Laurie, Marissa was her sorority sister, and Teddy was her friend. The pair of them also helped her that fateful night at college. Marissa offers Laurie, an out and a way to get back on her feet but Laurie doesn't realize that in doing so - she may not only have lost her husband but could lose her daughter Fay forever as well. I quite enjoyed this thriller as it was a full-circle story as the ending is related to Laurie's college experience. I have one other of her book A Mother's Secret on my Kindle which I am now looking forward to giving her a read.



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