Review : The Weekend Retreat - Tara Laskowski

Review: The Weekend Retreat - Tara Laskowski - December 2023

Every year it has been a tradition that the birthdays of the Van Ness children, have been weekend extravaganza and held at their family vineyard. Six months ago, the matriarch of the family Katrina Van Ness passed away and now it is time for the oldest twins' birthday Richard and Harper. They are turning 35 years old. Elle - Richard's wife has tried to recreate the birthday events that Katrina was famous for, Harper- reluctantly attends with her husband Lucas and the youngest Zach is about to introduce his new girlfriend Lauren to the family. Lauren is nervous as she doesn't come from the world of wealth like the Van Ness's. The thing though is that this adventure will end in broken hearts and even death as the weekend's events end up opening up raw wounds, dark secrets, lies, and even betrayals. The Van Ness fortune has been built on lies and traces back to an event that happened in the early/mid 70's in Monte Carlo. The weekend will be filled with a series of games, that will reveal dark intentions and catch the Van Ness's in lies as if they aren't careful - everyone's masks including Elle's, Lucas and Lauren's may slip revealing their ulterior motives for being part of the weekend festivities. If you are looking for a good family thriller then check out The Weekend Retreat by Tara Laskowski. I have to admit reading books like this, makes you sit back and wonder if is it worth being wealthy as it does seem like a lot of work and all you do is spend time walking on eggshells and you never are quite happy.



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