Review: The Missing Witness - Allison Brennan

Review: The Missing Witness - Book #5 Quinn and Costa Series - Allison Brennan - January 2024

This was one book I had been excited for as I am normally a big fan of Allison Brennan's books, however this one was very close to doing my head in. Yes, overall it was a great thriller but it just felt like there was way tooo much happening for my little brain to process. I also didn't like the way Kara Quinn was portrayed and acted in this book, we know that she often does things her way and despite being out of the box and outside the lines of the law - she does get results and her cases get solved. In this book, we start with the David Chen case - the Chinese trafficking ring and Kara has been in hiding as she is testifying in the case. However, this ends up having a pin put in it as David is shot. Violet Halliday is the missing witness, she works as an IT geek for City Hall and we learn she has been helping with another case that involves pilfering homeless grants and funding. She has been a whistleblower helping to form a case, but when the DA Craig is killed and Violet is now being hunted. Who can she turn to for help? Especially not this police force or the FBI as I have to say - for realsies I have never read or seen so much freaking corruption. Were there no clean police or agents in this novel? I did like Violet's storyline with her mother and wished that had been fleshed out a bit more. The other thing that slightly annoyed me with this book and I have to admit if I didn't live in New Zealand it wouldn't have bothered me - but there is a sentence that Conrad wants to bring Marie here as he has a house just outside of Queensland.  Queensland is a state in Australia and not a city in New Zealand - we have Queenstown here. The Missing Witness was a good thriller in the fact it was very action-packed, but for me sadly it was just too busy of a storyline which made it in places hard to follow in who were the good guys and which ones were the baddies. Who can't we trust again? My feeling though for this book hasn't clouded my judgment of Allison Brennan and I look forward to reading more of her thrillers in the future.



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