The Supernatural Creature Literary discusses Vampires.

Vampires, wherever you turn they are everywhere. On your Television with True Blood- Sookie Stackhouse, The Vampire Diaries with their love triangle- Stefan, Elena and Damon. What about on the big screen? Twilight Quartet, Blade, Supernatural, the Covenant. How about books? Twilight Saga, Dru Anderson Series, The Den of Shadows Quartet, Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse, Vampire High and Beach, Vamps, Evernight -The list goes on and on and on my friends.
We are living in a world of literature that is thriving in the Vampire genre, that supernatural theme that has the whole world a-buzzing.
Think back, through all your favourite authors and have a look at how many of them has moved their writing to fit in with Vampires.
Melissa De La Cruz was formerly most known for her books The Au Pairs and now one of her most popular series are Blue Bloods -once again a Vampire Series which is Gossip Girl meets Upper East Side Vampires.
LJ Smith, she has written many supernatural series, but her Vampire Diaries books were written in 1991 and 1992 -now 18-20 years later with the craze they have been reprinted, and made into a huge best-selling TV Show the Vampire Diaries. I'm sure LJ Smith didn't think that 18-20 years ago when she first sat down and wrote a Vampire novel that it would eventually lead to this.
What about the age-old story of mortal girl falling in love with a Vampire who isn't really evil. We have the famous Twilight stories, The Vampire Kisses series by Ellen Schreiber, Vampire Beach -though in this one the gender roles are reversed by Alex Duval. Then we have the Vampire stories based in boarding schools - Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead, Vampire High by Douglas Rees, Evernight Series by Claudia Gray and The House of Night Series by PC and Kristin Cast. These are like Book Candy for those who thrived on reading when they were younger Enid Blyton's schoolgirl boarding school tales.

Then we have the tales of oh, I am a Vampire but I don't want to be.... The House of S, It Sucks to Be Me: The Diary of Mina Hamilton by Kimberley Paulsen and Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side and Boys who bite by Marianne Mancusi.
Then the level of Vampires and their tales jump from the transition of children and YA novels to adult-fiction, these are the Vampire tales that should be R18 in places. In reading Adult Vampire Fiction, I think it should be classified also under erotic fiction. These include your basic level of Vampire novels which could fall both ways of YA/Adult - Chicagoland Vampires by Chloe Neill, True Blood- Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris, Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine and Sunshine by Robin McKinley.
Then wham-bam it hits the point of erotica from Lara Adrian's Vampire Series Ashes to Midnight , Angel's Blood by Nalini Singh , The Vampire Shrink by Lynda Hilburn , The Vampire Maker , Chosen By Desire, Carpe Noctem and House of Pleasures by Katie Salidas - even the titles scream sex and vampires.
However it's not only Vampire writing authors that are jumping the bandwagon , we have Mystery writer PD Martin whose latest novel Kiss of Death featured a murder conducted by Vampires and Meg Cabot most famous for her teen series Princess Diaries and adult series Queen of Babble has released a Vampire novel called Insatiable.
When will it stop or are we destined to see more Vampire novels fall our way , though come to think about it , I am seeing more novels featuring other Supernatural creatures like Zombies, Fairies, Werewolves, Ghouls and Fallen Angels . More to come on the following in the next adventures of The Supernatural Creature Literary Musings written by The Phantom Paragrapher....... .


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