Wanted : A Sisters of the Heart Novel

'This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in him"- Psalm 118v24

"We did not inherit this land from our fathers. We are borrowing it from our children- Amish Proverb".

Review: Wanted -Book #2 "Sisters of the Heart" -Shelley Shepard Gray-2009

Taking off where Hidden left off , Wanted focuses on the story of twenty-year old Katie Brenneman. With Anna and Henry together and Anna learning the way of the Amish, Katie feels like it's her turn. Katie has always fancied widower Jonathan Lundy , when Jonathan's sister Winnie has to go out of town he asks Katie if she could come and stay with his family and help look after his two daughters. Katie jumps at the chance, seeing it as a way to get closer to her crush Jonathan and at the same time building relationship blocks with his two daughters Hannah and Mary. As Katie is settling nicely into her new lifestyle , a letter arrives detailing Katie's past and what she got up to during Rumspringa. Somebody wants to expose Katie's secrets , the ones she has held on so tightly for and locked away in a Pandora's box. Now Katie is tugged into a difficult spot where as her past is catching up on her , Jonathan is starting to welcome her not only into his home but also his heart. Can Katie stand strong against the attacks and what will happen when Jonathan finds out the truth about Katie's Past? . Will the past destroy and harm all chances of Katie finding love and happiness with Jonathan or will this be that moment where Katie will be able to finally forgive her transgressions and move on with her life ?.
Once again , Shelley Shepard Gray has written a fantastic book that captures not only the essence of the characters but also that familiarity and culture of the Amish communities.

Extra Features Included : Want to read this book for bookclub , check out the list of Discussion Questions.

Readers Around , Stay tuned for the release of Book Three : Forgiveness which tells the story of Jonathan's sister Winnie.


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