Book Blogger Appreciation Week - 13-17 September 2010

Welcome all to Book Blogger Appreciation Week 13-17 September 2010 , this is the time readers of blogs especially those beloved book blogs , where we gather around to appreciate all the time and effort it takes of Bloggers to provide us with those wonderful Book Review Sites.

Each Day, we will focus on a question which in a way will provide readers with hopefully new book review blogs to check out and also show appreciation to all the awesome blogsters out there for all the hard work they do.

                                                                 Todays Question :

We invite you to share with us about a great new book blog you’ve discovered since BBAW last year! If you are new to BBAW or book blogging, share with us the very first book blog you discovered. Tell us why this blog rocks your socks off and why you keep going back for more.


The Internet is like a never-ending ocean of websites and there are so many Book Blogs dedicated to reviews , which makes this question so much more difficult. That I cannot bear to pick an ultimate favourite , but what I am going to do is take a leaf out of BCCBookChick City and choose the Top 5 on my list. This is not to say however that I do not appreciate the rest of the hard work Book Bloggers go too as I follow over 500-1000 different Book Blogs on Goggle Friend Connect.

Blog Number One :  Book Chick City -

This is one of the very first Book Blogs that I joined and which got me thinking about all the different ways and things I can do to promote my Blog through the Wishlist and What's In My Mailbox and also the constant Cover Crush "which I adore".  She also has an awesome range of Books and many of them are in the similar genres that I read, which for me means constant adding of books to my TBR and Must-Read Piles.

Blog Number Two : Bitten by Paranormal Romance -

This Blog is another one of my favourites as I love the Genre of Paranormal Romances , anything to do with Angels, Demons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters the list  goes on and on.
It is also the site to one of my weekly meme's on a Friday. The 18 and Over Book Tag-Along.

Blog Number Three : Crazy For Books.Com -

I love this site as the Blogger does the most interesting Blog Posts about Literature and her reviews are always so much fun to read. Cazy-For-Books also runs a weekly meme on the Friday Also called the Book Blog Hop which I belong to and have found many awesome sites and people have found me.

Blog Number Four : Edgy Inspirational Romance -

As a Christian myself, one genre that I love reading is Christian Fiction - not the boring long-winded stuff but the type of book that has romance, murder , a hint of mystery or is downright chick-litty.
Edgy Inspirational Romance has a continual awesome array of Books to read and I again am constantly adding more books to my TBR and Must-read lists. It has also recently during BBAW been nominated for Best Spiritual, Inspirational or Religious Book Blog of 2010. So Congratulations and be sure to check the site out.

Book Blog Number 5 : The Paperback Dolls -

Last but not least, another Book Blog that I have come to love and adore and not just for the fact that they run International contests is Paperback Dolls. It is an adorable website and has awesome reviews, contests and the fact that they have an eclectic style in the way that they are made of up different women around the world who like different books. And their site being Purple helps too lol.

A Huge Congratulations Goes to..........

As I said before that there are so many awesome book blogs around and the fact that I follow a helluva lot , I would like to say Congratulations to all the bloggers out there whose names I didn't list but I still follow and admire for all the awesome book reviews, author interviews and giveaways and weekly memes.


  1. Hello! Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my blog! Thanks to BBAW, I've added your blog to my Google Reader, and I look forward to reading your blog! :)

  2. I love your idea of the internet as a huge ocean of websites :) Your blog is new to me and I'm curious to start exploring it..

  3. Looks like I have a lot of visiting to do -- most of these blogs are new to me! Thanks for the recommendations!

  4. Uh oh. Some new to blogs! I'm off to explore.

  5. You've highlighted some outstanding blogs! thanks for participating in BBAW!

  6. So glad to find your blog! And to discover several other new blogs via your recommendations today.

  7. Hi Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) A few of theses are new to me. I'll have to check them out. Thanks for the recs. :)

  8. Thanks for adding BCC as one of your 'Treasures' I love the Paperback Dolls too, the other blogs you mention I'm not familiar with so off to check them out! Happy BBAW! :)

  9. Phantom! Thanks so much for mentioning me! I'm honored to be in such great company! I'm familiar with almost all the blogs on your list and I adore them! :)

  10. Thanks for mentioning me, I am so honored! I have never hear of this BBAW I think I will check it out and some of these blogs. Thanks and have a good week!

  11. Thanks for sharing these blogs. I'm excited to learn about great new book blogs during BBAW. I'm definitely checking these out.


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