Family Ties - Danielle Steel

                                                               Family Ties: A Novel Family Ties is a book that all fans of Danielle Steel will enjoy and fans of chick-lit will start to take a liking with her as she moves towards a direction of writing and publishing Chick Lit novels .

Review : Family Ties - Danielle Steel - 2010

Meet Annie , she is 26 years old and has everything she could ever dream of,the perfect boyfriend Seth ,fresh out of architecture school and working for a great firm and is up for a promotion. Nothing could go wrong or could it? . When Annie's older sister Jane and her husband are killed in an accident, Annie becomes guarantor of her two nieces and nephew .All of a sudden Annie must learn to take responsibility not only for herself but the children as well. Goodbye Free Single Life and Hello Motherhood. In Family Ties we read as it takes us through 16 years of the children's and Annie's lives and that no matter what happens when it comes down to the crunch nothing can break those ties that hold families together. Family Ties is a plot that we have seen before in the films Raising Helen and No Reservations and in the book Accidental Mother Series by Rowan Coleman.


  1. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog! Would you believe I have never read a Danielle Steele book? LOL. Sounds like maybe this wouldn't necessarily be the one to start with?

    LOVE your header btw!

  2. Until about three books ago , I hadnt either as I thought she was an old lady romance writer , but the three books I have were good. Sisters , Big Girl and Family Ties.


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