Daddy's Delight - Karia Bunting

                                                           Daddy's Delight: Embracing Your Divine Design

When I first read the title of this I thought Ok , I wonder what it could be about as I don't normally read non-fiction , but when I opened it I was glad as it is  about Embracing the Inner you and based on Christian principles.

Review : Daddy's Delight - Karia Bunting - June 2010

As women we seem to feel a bit more under pressure to look a certain way, act a certain way and be a certain person, but God or in the case of this book Daddy does not make us be somebody else for him, he accepts us truly for who we are inside. I really enjoyed this book as It included real-life tales of Christian women and bible verses, scriptures to encourage us all that with God's help ,  we can embrace our true divine design and that no matter what happens in your life, God has a special plan and place for all us women out there in the wide world and by following his ways we can blossom into self-confident, high-self esteem and godly women followers.
Daddy's Delight by Karia Bunting describes and discusses topics such  as Your Divine Design, the godly woman and the manner in which we as women should live; learning how to beat Satan at his games with his temptations and other tactics; how to live single, whether it is by choice, divorce or the loss of a spouse; understanding marriage and what God expects of us; motherhood, the importance of relationships and ministry.
The way the author has written this book will touch many women who pick this book up hearts and what I really  enjoyed is that it is written in a way that isn't bible bashing or jamming god's word down your throat. It is a book that if you are of the female race and not a christian , it is a book that if you read it , you will still be able to apply many of the chapters to your everyday lives.

This book was provided free to review from


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