In the Mood for Werewolves #1

Being the Month of October , I have decided to read as many Supernatural or books that fall into the genre of Halloween :)
Today's Book is focused on the Supernatural Creature - The Werewolf , which surprisingly I have been reading quite a few Werewolf type novels lately.

Werelove: Dusk Conspiracy (Volume 1)

Review : Werelove Dusk Conspiracy - Book #1- Lakisha Spletzer-2010

The country is at war between humans and werewolves , the werewolves are mad especially Alpha female Zina and she wants what should be normal back in order.
Dr Henry a human feel in love with a werewolf and they had a child Laylah - a half-breed.
One night when Laylah was Eight , her father's lab was over-run by angry wolves and her mother Helena killed. Henry and his daughter Laylah were able to escape with the help of some close wolf friends.
Now years later, Laylah is seventeen and still has no idea of her Werewolf side as her father has been suppressing it with medication- a bit like controlling an illness. However it won't be too long now for Laylah to discover it when her and her father are finally found and located by Zina who has been searching for them all these years. When her carers Jacques and Naiya are injured , Layla is kidnapped and then rescued by Donil . As the book progresses we witness as in order for Laylah to become who she really is and confront the truth , she must accept the werewolf inside of her.
Laylah must now make the ultimate decision to give up what she has only known and choose to either continue embracing her human side or choose her wolf side.


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