ARC Tour : Crazy -Han Nolan

Are you looking for a novel to escape your current realities ? Wondering how others deal in the fictional world with pain ? Find out in Han Nolan's latest book "Crazy". This is part of the Good Golly Miss Holly Blog Tours.

Review: Crazy - Han Nolan - September 2010

As a fan of his 2003 works If I Should Die before I Wake and Born Blue , when I saw that Holly was offering a ARC Tour of his latest book "Crazy", I jumped at the chance and even more so when I found out that it was classified as Edgy Content due to the topic of Mental Illnesses which maybe because of my father's work is a subject Ive always been drawn too.
Reading, the book it seemed that in the past years , Han has taken on a different writing style as personally I didn't enjoy this book as much as I thought I would, though in saying that If I wasn't hooked on his two books from 2003 then I would have more likely enjoyed the book "Crazy".
Crazy takes us on a journey through the life of fifteen-year old Jason , he has suffered it seems enough tragedies in a lifetime , his mother has just died and his father more likely stricken with grief has turned to and succumbed to mental illness. Jason then tries the only thing he can do to survive and hold not only his father together but his whole life. He has created a host of Imaginary friends - a bit like Daniel X by James Patterson though Jason's not an Alien Hunter. These imaginary friends are his lifeline -his guidance to get him through day to day. When his father is eventually committed Jason is put into foster care and it is here that he will soon discover that he is not alone and that in this time -the greatest gifts he needs from others is acceptance and friendship.
A great story that with acceptance and friendship , even the biggest problems seem like nothing.


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