Review : Time with God for Fathers - Jack Countryman

Are you ready to get it on with God and become a God's Man ? Check out Jack Countryman's new book "Time with God for Fathers" - provided as a Review Copy from Netgalley

Time With God For Fathers

Review: Time With God For Fathers -Jack Countryman- April 2011

Are you a single father or a husband? Wanting to spend more time with God but can't seem to fit him into your busy schedule of running around with your children, being the chaffeur , being the Mr. Handyman and working those long hours to provide for you family . With fellow man and Father Jack Countryman's new book "Time with God for Fathers " , it is the perfect tool guide  in developing a closer relationship with God. The book Time with God for Fathers  is filled with 90 five-minute filled devotionals each with a verse and a short pray and discussion to get your brain moving and your heart pumping for God. At the back of the book, there is a selection of pages each titled with relevant definitions to Fathers  and a list of bible verses that follow underneath and of course as we all like taking down notes on what we have read , in order to flick back at a later time and observe , there is a few pages and a section especially for Notes.
So Fathers what are you waiting for , head out now and purchase your Time with God for Fathers by Jack Countryman.


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