R18 Read - Review: Chasing Silver - Jamie Craig

Are you into time-travel novels ? If so, then stay tuned for this Carina Press title.

Chasing Silver

Review: Chasing Silver - Jamie Craig - August 2010

Are you in the mood for a bit of time travel romance ? We read as the year 2085 meets 2010 as in the year 2010 we meet Nathan - an ex-cop who now spends his time as a bounty hunter - which seems like a common employment for ex-cops as like the movie "The Bounty Hunter" featuring Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston. If you haven't had the chance to watch it - you must as I ended up buying it for my personal DVD collection. Reading Chasing Silver overall had a feel of more Aeon Flux and Ultraviolet rather then The Bounty Hunter though. Anyway back to the story, we are faced with Nathan who is hunting down a criminal named Tian in an abandoned warehouse and all of a sudden a bright light appears and out of thin air appears Remy , who is from DC - and in the year 2085. We read as we discover the weird truth on why she has travelled back to the past and what her connection to Nathan is.  When Remy and Nathan are both confronted with enemies from their pasts who want to kill them , can they work together as a team to save themselves or will the strong passion between them become their weakness ?
Find out in Time Travelling Romance Action Adventure "Chasing Silver" by Jamie Craig.


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