Review: The Promise of an Angel - Ruth Reid

Wanting a new Amish author to discover ? Check out Ruth Reid and her Heaven On Earth Series .

The Promise of an Angel (A Heaven On Earth Novel)
Review: The Promise of an Angel - A Heaven on Earth Novel Book #1 - Ruth Reid - May 2011

Growing up in an Amish Community can be sometimes difficult , especially when circumstances happen beyond belief of the culture and religion you have been brought up to believe. For Judith , all she ever wanted to do was follow God , and get married to Levi and have a dozen children. However God, had a different plan for Judith, one that she could never have ever imagined. Always, the good older sister Judith had never caused her family trouble, but it seemed that the world was to turn upside down. Whilst watching her brother Samuel one day, he has an accident and falls off the roof leaving his legs paralysed and the doctors saying he will never walk again. Judith, however knows different as she saw an Angel named Tobias, who told Judith that Samuel would walk. As word starts to get around that Judith saw an Angel, the community start to look down on her and eventually think that she is crazy. What's worse , is that her crush Levi is more interested in Judith's younger sister Martha. Though it seems that God has bigger plans for her as he has the perfect guy in mind for her. Though when Judith is shunned and sent to live with her relatives in Ohio, will the perfect guy reach her in time or will Judith's path and call from Tobias prove to overcome all the obstacles in her life, when her vision is revealed to the whole community. With many Amish novels, I sometimes find it quite difficult to read them as they tend to either be or the same or quite long winded but I found that I read Ruth Reid's novel quite quickly and really enjoyed it and am looking forward to reading more of her writings.


  1. I really love Amish fiction, but I agree with you the stories can sort of blue together. I am happy to hear that this one brings something new to the table!


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