Review: Burning Obsession - Shelly Pratt

Fire, Fire burning bright - In the middle of the night .
If you love Fire, Arson and Detective novels - then this is the book for you.
If you love Indie novels and Australian Fiction, then this is definitely the book for you.
If you love all those things , then you my dear Reader will be in Heaven - like I was.
Review: Burning Obsession - Book #1 Detective Folgari Series - Shelly Pratt - October 2012
Did you ever see that episode on Criminal Minds with the Arsonist ? The one where he ends up locking all those people in the movie theatres to get back at one girl - his twin sister ? As I started to read this book, the episode kept flicking back in my mind . As a huge fan of Criminal solving shows and one of my all-time favourite authors being James Patterson. I am always on the lookout for new mystery series to read. However, I don't read just any mystery - when it comes to mysteries I am really a picky reader as it has to be captivating in the first chapter , fast-paced and keep you in suspense right through the novel, none of this going into far too many details like a few authors I have tried.
Australian Author Shelly Pratt has proven that she has what it takes to write an awesome detective novel as I bring the readers direction to her first book in the Detective Folgari series "Burning Obsession" .
We all know what its like to have obsessions, they become addicting and the next one has to be bigger than before , we can't help ourselves - we just have to continue it otherwise things just don't feel right.  In Burning Obsession, we meet main character Tommy Walker aka Christian Bower . He first experienced his hit at 10yrs old and from there it grew and grew as he moved around. Now years later , someone is getting close to discovering his secret and he can't afford -not yet anyway to give it up.  Can Christian find a way to keep his secret underwraps ? When Police are called to investigate the new crimes happening , it seems that this time around the police are closing in but can they keep up with Christian and his "Burning Obsession".
Without giving too much of the story away, what I loved about this book was that the ending though it finished on a cliffhanger , it wasn't an obvious one and it left the reader feeling sastified as that for me is one of the worst things that quite a few authors do - they finish the book or leave the book hanging on a crucial part and then the reader has to wait like a whole year or so for the next book to come out. With Burning Obsession it was a lovely change as I felt relaxed and it didn't make me annoyed about having to wait. Which by the way readers I so cannot wait for the second book as to find out which direction Shelly Pratt is going to take Detective Jenni Folgari and Tommy Walker - the guy with the Burning Obsession.


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