VBT# - Save the Lemmings - Kai Strand

Appearing today on The Phantom Paragrapher is author Kai Strand and her new Tween book "Save the Lemmings".
Review: Save the Lemmings - Kai Strand - August 2012
Save the Lemmings is the perfect tween read as it takes place in a Middle school - Eighth grade to be precise.  Natalie , is the super nice girl. The one who is always cheery, never gets into trouble, always dressed to the nines and even has these quirky sayings that she pops along with throughout the novel.  Save the Lemmings follows Natalie through the creation of her invention - the Texty-Talk . At 12yrs old , she finally has the invention sold to her Dad's company but as she becomes famous and out in the public , she will soon discover that being famous isn't exactly that much fun. Even worse when her friends are feeling left out too . Natalie , though has another more serious passion on her hands. She wants to help "Save the Lemmings". Can she help save the cause closer to her heart or will her newfound fame stand in the way of achieving her dreams ?
Find out all this and more in Save the Lemmings by Kai Strand.



  1. Thank you for hosting and reviewing Kai Strand's book.

  2. If you hop on over to Pen and Ink, you may recognize on of the new first lines.


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