Review: Supernaturally - Kiersten White

Today's review is Book #2 in Kiersten White's (BTW I love how she spells her name) series Paranormalcy.
Review: Supernaturally - Book #2 Paranormalcy Series - Kiersten White - July 2011
The one thing I find when you find yourself head over heels with a genre, you just continue to read and read it , thinking you will never get sick of this - the same unfortunately goes for most authors especially if they write ALOT of books. Then one day, you go to pick up one and you can't for the life of you get into the story. For me one of those genres was anything Paranormal/Supernatural - I think I read so much of it that it all started to blur together so if I do choose to read one - it has to be captivating and that is what I have found with Kiersten White's Paranormalcy series. Supernaturally is Book #2 and takes off with Evie trying to reclaim a "normal" life with her attending high school and Lend is off at Georgetown. All is going well until Raquel comes back into Evie's life with the plea to help again at the ICPA. It is here where Evie meets Jack - her new transporter , being raised by faeries Jack has the ability to travel through the faerie paths. As tensions and a rocky friendship bloom between Jack and Evie - who will she choose Jack or Lend ? We also meet Evie's father and discover where she comes from with the help of the annoying Reth.
Another great book and I really look forward to reading the conclusion of this series :)



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