VBT# Guest Post - Beth Michele

Today's Guest Blogger is the wonderful author of the Amazing book "Love, Love" - Please Welcome Beth Michele.

Top 5 things I love about Brad
Only 5 huh...I could probably go on forever...Sigh...On that note, I'm adding 2 more...

Brad is funny...There's nothing like a guy with a sense of humor...He's also quirky but not ashamed or embarrassed by it...he just simply is...Sigh.

Brad is a hopeless romantic.  He's old fashioned in the sense of poetry, flowers, and of course my favorite...candy.

Brad has a dimple.  There's just something about a dimple, and when he smiles...wow... 

He's adorable.  Tall, brown hair, dreamy brown eyes, muscular.  He's also confident, but very unassuming, and that's what makes him even more attractive.

Brad really cares about people, has such a good heart, and exudes sincerity.

Brad makes really great coffee...and he makes it special to order... *wink*

Brad is a superhero in every sense of the word...Cape or no cape...works for me...  *wink, wink*



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